Friday, September 27, 2019

Evaluation of Theoretic Structure of Research Paper Term

Evaluation of Theoretic Structure of Research - Term Paper Example sideration of outcomes of the experiment conducted, the authors concluded that conducted imaginary interventions contributed significantly to the reduction of patients’ depression, anxiety, and stress, and improved their comfort. To confirm the statement it is enough to consider the quantity of psychiatric inpatients all over the world: according to the report ‘Mental Health Policy and Practice across Europe: The future direction of mental health care’, approximately 450 million of population undergoes various types of mental disorders at any point of time (Knapp, McDaid, Mossialos, and Thornicroft, 2007). It is not a rare situation when people with mood disorders need to repeat their treatment for several times and although hospitalization provides them with some kind of refuge, it also implies certain limitations on patients’ freedom. Moreover, hospitalization could also cause extra discomfort in addition to that, which is invoked by the illness itself. Taking into account that GI interventions might ease patients’ depression, anxiety and stress factors and improve their health, the method influences essentially on the whole success of mental disorders treatment (Shapiro, 2003). Implementation of nursing should be grounded on relevant theories and is aimed to provide psychiatric inpatients with the highest possible level of comfort in order to help them to be full-fledged members of society. Regarding the fact that Comfort Theory application relieves patients reduce their depression, anxiety, and stress and increase their comfort, the method is an important element of nursing process. The main purpose of the paper is to examine the effects of GI interventions recorded on compact discs (CDs) on psychiatric patients’ mental health and test the Null hypothesis, which states that people with mood disorders, who receive GI interventions, would perceive higher comfort level and lower stress and nervousness. Relief is defined as a state when certain

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